About us

Specialising in various learning difficulties and disabilities including Cerebral Palsy as well as visual impairment, hearing impairment and more complex medical needs. Secondary provision for children with social, speech and language communication difficulties.

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We offer extensive specialist facilities and aim to provide an exceptional learning environment. Acknowledged as one of the leading centres for Conductive Education in the UK.

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Early Years

Ingfield Manor Early Years provision (Ages 3-6)

Pre-school, Reception and Year 1.

Children are encouraged to actively learn a range of essential foundation skills to support their future learning.

Children learn through the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum embedded within a Conductive Education framework with fully integrated teaching and therapy.

The provision is delivered by a skilled trans-disciplinary team. Children are given opportunities to be challenged and learn through play by fostering active participation within a structured daily routine.

The small group learning environment with a high staff: pupil ratio ensures a dynamic approach to learning. Tasks are broken down into small steps; giving each child frequent opportunities to participate as an active learner and experience success. The children are motivated to learn through the friendships and social interactive skills they develop within a peer group of children who have similar learning needs.

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Student in classroom at Ingfield Manor School


The primary department at Ingfield consists of three learning groups: Tigers (Year 2/3 Lions (Year 3/4), Leopards (Year 5/6). Pupils develop their self-esteem as they work within a peer group of others who have similar physical and communication needs to their own.

The pupils are taught the national curriculum in small classes (typically 6-8 pupils), delivered by skilled teachers who are able to differentiate to meet the learning needs within the group. Half termly or termly learning journeys are the vehicle for planning the curriculum.

Each day starts with a motor learning lesson which enables the pupils to gain independence through the completion of a series of physical tasks; this learning is then transferred throughout the rest of the day. Communication is integral throughout the school day. Synthetic phonics and mathematics are taught and reinforced throughout the week.

All pupils use ICT to access the curriculum and therefore their access needs are assessed, monitored and modified regularly by the transdisciplinary team.


Within our Secondary Department, the Conductive Education ethos is embedded across all aspects of the school day and is designed to ensure all students are:

  • Engaged in their own learning and development
  • Enabled to achieve to the best of their ability
  • Empowered to be independent thinkers with the confidence to share their views

Our skilled transdisciplinary team, high staffing ratio and rich, individualised learning environment ensures a dynamic approach to learning which unlocks individual potential.

Our integrated curriculum is personalised to ensure the potential of individual students is maximised and they develop independence and problem solving in the key areas of communication, physical ability, cognition, emotional and mental wellbeing

During years 7 and 8 we tailor the courses we offer to the interests of our young people, which includes programmes such as WJEC Personal Progress; City and Guilds entry level award and certificate in Effective Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Open Awards Accessible ICT, WJEC Entry Pathways in a range of subjects, including English and maths entry level certificate. We also offer GCSE in English and maths for those working at the appropriate level.

Student in classroom smiling at Ingfield Manor School
Students enjoying a boat trip

Sixth Form

(Ages 16-19 years)

Within our 6th Form, through the Conductive Education framework, we support students to raise their aspirations and develop the skills needed for adult life, optimizing their future life chances and enabling them to become as independent as possible in:

  • Communication
  • Physical skills and ability
  • Cognition
  • Emotional and mental well-being

Our person-centred approaches identify what is important to our young people and enable personalised learning and support programmes to be developed. Emphasis is placed on developing the functional use of skills learnt in earlier key stages and each student has a bespoke curriculum which allows them to progress to their individual potential.

As well as providing opportunities for the young people within 6th Form to gain knowledge and experience of what is available as they move into adulthood, they are able to build upon the qualifications they have already achieved and work towards higher grades or follow different programmes of study, such as GCSEs and Entry Level Certificates in English and maths; City and Guilds entry level award and certificate in Effective Augmentative and Alternative Communication, WJEC Entry Pathways in Independent Living, Humanities, ICT, Science and Open Awards Accessible ICT. Those following our sensory curriculum have the opportunity to continue to work towards the WJEC Personal Progress qualification

Also, we offer our 6th Form students the opportunity to connect with, enjoy and care for wild places through participation in the John Muir Award. As well as challenging our students, the award encourages awareness and responsibility for the natural environment through a structured yet adaptable scheme, in a spirit of fun, adventure and exploration

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Other Learning Groups

School for Parents

Our School for Parents service offers free sessions for families with children aged between a few months and 5 years with motor learning difficulties.

The service works in partnership with parents to educate the young child with cerebral palsy or other motor learning difficulties and allied learning needs. Solid support and practical advice are provided to parents within an encouraging environment, so they can play a key role in the teaching partnership.


‘Woodview’ is our specialist hub and provision for children and young people with with speech, language and communication needs. We currently have a year 7 & 8 cohort witha view to offering year 7 for September 2024. 

Success Stories


Charlie has been at Ingfield since he was 4 years old. Charlie has cerebral palsy, but he has always had a positive can-do attitude and been able to show great achievements during his time at Ingfield.

Charlie is always willing and considerate at school and has continued to make strong friendships. Charlie enjoys sharing stories of his assistance dog ‘Tegan’. Charlie has progressed year on year throughout his time at Ingfield Manor school, but this year marked some of his biggest achievements yet – securing and passing 2 GCSE’s in Maths and History. This was also in light of undergoing some quite major surgery earlier in this academic year. Charlie was soon practicing his physical skills again against all the odds!


Wilf has this year started staying overnight at school in our ‘Acorns’ residential provision and has quickly settled and become a popular member of the ‘Acorns’ family. The amount of progress Wilf has shown since starting at Ingfield Manor school has been phenomenal, he has continued to flourish. He has benefitted from a team of staff who really understands his character, development levels, needs and motivators. The holistic approach through the principles and practice of Conductive Education on offer at Ingfield has shown itself to be of clear benefit to Wilf’s development and learning and this is evidenced by the progress that he has made in all areas. So much so, that just this year, his paediatrician was confidently able to reclassify the severity of Wilf’s physical needs.

How we work

Transdisciplinary Team Approach

At Ingfield Manor School our staff work collaboratively using a transdisciplinary team approach. This approach involves professionals sharing roles, with blending of skills, teaching and learning. The transdisciplinary team meets weekly and explores each student’s ‘journey’. We view each child and young person holistically and within the context of their family and environment.

Conductive Education

At Ingfield Manor School a large part of our curriculum is based on, and firmly embedded in the theory and practice of Conductive Education. All students aside from our Woodview provision are offered conductive education. This ethos enables our pupils to develop independence and living as active and purposeful individuals. Conductive Education is an educational and holistic approach to the development of a child with Cerebral Palsy and other neurological motor disorders.


At Ingfield Manor school we directly employ physiotherapists who work with the children and young people within each department throughout their school day to support with accessing curriculum areas.

Physiotherapy helps to optimise movement and function through:

– Promoting active movement
– Developing range of movement in joints and muscles
– Building strength
– Balance and improving posture

Occupational Therapists

Occupational Therapists (OTs) work with people of all ages to enable them to participate in daily life, to improve their health and wellbeing. Daily life is made up of many activities (or ‘occupations’).

For children, these occupations may include:

– Education
– Personal and self-care
– Sleeping
– Communicating, socialising


Our qualified nursing team are here to enable the children and young people at the school to access all aspects of the curriculum by ensuring that their many health care needs are met throughout the school day.

To achieve this, we rely on a very close relationship with all families to ensure we are up to date at all times with treatment regimes, and liaise should there be any healthcare concerns whenever necessary.


The Speech and Language Therapy team has an integral role in transdisciplinary practice at Ingfield Manor, providing a service across the age range of the school. We focus on Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN); and also, assessment and advice for Eating, Drinking and Swallowing (EDS). The priority in both strands of the work is skilled assessment and goal setting, so that advice and targets can be integrated into each learner’s holistic daily programme. Working in partnerships with families is a crucial aspect of the work of the department.

Hearing Impairment

At Ingfield Manor School we ensure that students with a hearing loss are maximising their potential hearing opportunities across the whole school day within the Conductive Education ethos.

The trans-disciplinary team works to deliver training where needed and to support students across the school with a hearing loss. This includes working alongside other professionals and liaising with NHS professionals. We have visits half termly from the Ewing Foundation, who support professionals in acquiring the skills and confidence needed to help deaf children use their residual hearing, access technology and develop natural spoken language where they are able.

Visual Impairment

Here at Ingfield Manor School, our sensory support teacher advises on strategies for curriculum access and independent learning for any student with a visual impairment difficulty. Guiding the work of other professionals in the school, providing on-going advice and assessing the students’ functional vision is central to this role.

Our sensory support teacher can also liaise closely with opticians, ophthalmologists or other professional staff that may be involved in your child’s care in relation to their vision.

We have a range of resources to support our students with visual impairments, including a sensory room, colour tents, blackout tents, light boxes, UV lights and a range of high contrast and colourful resources.

Technology Communication

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays a huge part in the lives of our pupils

and students, and the school is extremely well equipped to meet those needs.

Working closely with our local Specialist AAC Assessment Hubs we ensure all pupils and students have a communication aid (high-tech and/or low-tech), training and support to develop vital skills for the future.

Our Ethos


Everyone at Ingfield is valued for who they are.

The school is committed to ensuring all pupils and students have equal access to activities to the best of their abilities.


Ingfield Manor School aims to provide an environment in which children and young people feel that they are valued as individual, holistic, active learners and empowered with the confidence and self-esteem to communicate, make choices and develop skills throughout their school career and beyond.

Our Values

We expect that all pupils and students will:

– Respect other pupils in the way that they talk to and treat each other.
– Show respect to adults.
– Look after one another by letting an adult know if they are worried about another pupil.

Our team

At Ingfield we share a common passion for the work that we do and a deep commitment to supporting our students Ingfield to be the very best they can be, whatever their individual needs and challenges.

Senior Leadership Team

I am delighted to have been appointed as the Principal of Ingfield Manor School.

I have worked in Special Education for 18 years and I am passionate about providing young people with the opportunities to flourish and achieve. I believe in creating a sense of belonging and community and know that young people achieve best when they feel happy and safe.

When I first visited Ingfield I was immediately struck by the pride and enthusiasm for learning that all pupils had in their school. This was matched by the passion all staff demonstrated in creating a sense of belonging and care across all areas.

I am committed to continuing to drive forward this amazing school and working with all members of the community. 

James Winchester

James Winchester


Camilla Gibson

Camilla Gibson

Business Manager

Although I only joined Ingfield Manor School in April 2022, I already feel part of the Ingfield family.   I enjoy the challenge and variety of the role of Business Manager and am committed to ensuring that our young people receive the resources and support they need to enhance their learning experience and well-being.

I am supported in this by our Admin, Catering and Premises teams who share my “can do” attitude and focus on providing a clean, safe, and organised environment for all.

Tracey Francis

Tracey Francis

Head Of Care

I first joined the Ingfield family as a member of the nursing team, a long time ago! My next role was as the senior nurse and now my current role is Head of Care, overseeing Acorns, our residential provision.

I am passionate about nurturing and developing Acorns, the school and the amazing service it provides. I have seen first-hand the positive impact that conductive education has on the young people and families that we are lucky enough to support.

Clare Mordue

Clare Mordue

Head of School

Having worked at Ingfield Manor School for over five years, I started my life here as a teacher and I have recently embraced the role of Head of School with immense pride and dedication. From the moment I first stepped through the doors, I knew I had found a place where I could truly make a difference.

I am deeply passionate about fostering an environment where every student is recognised as a valued individual, encouraged to be active learners, and empowered to build the confidence and skills necessary to thrive, both during their school years and beyond. I have witnessed first-hand what a truly magical place Ingfield Manor School is and am proud to say that I am part of that magic!

Heather Timson

Heather Timson

Deputy Head of Woodview

I am delighted to be the Deputy Head for the Woodview provision at Ingfield Manor.

My professional journey commenced as a PE teacher in a secondary school in Wales, where I swiftly transitioned to leading pastoral teams. Relocating to West Sussex, I have dedicated the past 12 years to serving as the Assistant Head at Imberhorne School. Throughout my career, my primary focus has been on inclusion, advocating for students facing academic challenges, dismantling barriers, and ensuring they receive the necessary support for success. I take immense pride in the relationships built with students and families and in leading the development of a tailored alternative provision.

I love working at Woodview and continue to be impressed by the amazing students and the unwavering dedication of the staff. I want to ensure we continue to provide the best support and expand the opportunities for our Woodview students so they have the skills and confidence to live fulfilled and independent lives.

Simon Strang

Simon Strang

Lead Practitioner Secondary & Sixth Form

I’m a relative newcomer to Ingfield Manor School and I am passionate about Conductive Education and the difference we make here to our children and young people. 

With 30 years of experience in various roles supporting children and young people with diverse needs, I am a dedicated and effective teacher, practitioner, and manager. As a ICT and Maths teacher my students will testify my love of technology and especially accessible technology.  My expertise spans face-to-face and online teaching, curriculum development, and staff and service coordination.

I am passionate about person-centred practice and strive to empower students and their families. I enjoy developing new ideas and solving problems and I am dedicated to listening to children and advocating for their views.