
Woodview is our specialist hub and provision for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs.

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About Woodview

Our Woodview provision opened in September 2022 for its first group of year 7’s. As of September 2023, we have year 7 and year 8 secondary groups that follow our bespoke Woodview curriculum.

Our Woodview curriculum is predominately for individuals with SCLN (social, communication and/or language needs). Many of our young people have joined us from a mainstream primary school, but have needed a smaller more nurturing secondary education.

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Our curriculum is designed to meet the individual needs and aspirations of all our students. It supports our children and young people to become active, independent, empathetic learners with strong communication and physical skills.

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Our Ethos

Woodview follows our whole school ethos, with the aim of ensuring all our students fulfil their potential and are prepared for a happy and successful life.

The focus of the Woodview curriculum is to support young people to become active, independent, empathetic learners with strong communication and social skills through a combination of skills and knowledge development.

We’ve been blown away with how you and Ingfield have managed the COVID situation. To say you’ve been amazing would not do you justice!


Parent of Ingfield Student

Beyond Academics, Nurturing Emotional Intelligence and Independence

As well as teaching the National Curriculum (adapted to meet the needs and interests of the young people) the Woodview curriculum will build confidence and resilience and help our students recognise and manage their emotions. Additionally, it will enable students to develop their problem solving and independence skills alongside opportunities to gain a range of qualifications, including Entry Level Certificates and/or GCSEs, as well as Arts Award, John Muir Award and DoE.

Personalised Learning Through Small Classes and Transdisciplinary Approach

Due to the small class sizes (6-10 students) and high staffing ratios (3-4 staff per class), we are able to differentiate to challenge and stretch the more able whilst providing structured support for those requiring more assistance. We focus on filling gaps in students learning and enabling the students to develop a range of personalised strategies to enable them to access their learning and show their knowledge and understanding, such as the use of technology, multi-sensory resources and scaffolding to support the development of skills.

We operate a transdisciplinary approach, where SaLT, OT and teachers work together with individual students at the centre. Ingfield Manor school therapists work 100% at site and are employed directly by the school.

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