Parents & Professionals
Maximising potential so each and every child and young person at Ingfield Manor believes ‘I can’.
Maximising potential so each and every child and young person at Ingfield Manor believes ‘I can’.
Our curriculum is designed to meet the individual needs and aspirations of all our students. It supports our children and young people to become active, independent, empathetic learners with strong communication and physical skills.

We’ve been blown away with how you and Ingfield have managed the COVID situation. To say you’ve been amazing would not do you justice!
Vulnerable Bursary
2024 – 2025 16-19 Bursary For Vulnerable Young People
Information for Applicants
The bursary fund is provided by the Government to support young people in the 6th Form who face the greatest barriers to continuing in education and to ensure they can participate in learning. To qualify for up to £1200, where there is a financial need to support their participation in education, students need to be able to evidence one of the following:
– Living in care or be a care leaver
– Receiving Income Support (IS) or Universal Credit (UC) because they are financially supporting themselves, or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them, such as a child or partner
– Receiving Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payments (PIPs) in their own right, as well as Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or UC in their own right
To apply for a bursary:
Complete our Application Form along with your evidence and return it to: Camilla Gibson, School Business Manager, Ingfield Manor School, Ingfield Manor Drive, Five Oaks, Billingshurst, West Sussex, RH14 9AX.
If you require help or advice regarding your application, please contact: Camilla on 01403 782294

Discretionary Bursary Fund
The bursary fund is provided by the Government to support young people in 6th Form who face the greatest barriers to continuing in education and to ensure they can participate in learning. The school will provide a financial hardship bursary for students who meet the funding criteria.
The funding for bursaries is limited; students who are eligible for support are not automatically entitled to a discretionary bursary. Therefore, we recommend you return your completed application form as soon as possible. Bursaries will be awarded to help young people pay for the costs associated with being in 6th Form, such as transport.
To apply for a bursary
Complete and return the application form along with your evidence as soon as possible to: Annette Smith Head of Education and 6th Form, Ingfield Manor School, Ingfield Manor Drive, Five Oaks, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 9AX.
If you require help or advice regarding your application, please contact: Annette on 01403 782294 or please read our Bursary Fund Policy for more information.
PE and Sports Premium
The PE and Sports Premium is allocated to primary-aged students to improve the quality of the PE and Sports activities offered. Schools have the freedom to spend the premium, which is additional to the school’s underlying budget, in a way they think will help to support the quality and attainment of the physical development of our students, as well as sporting activities.
The Sports Premium allocation for 2022/23 was £16,190. The statement details Ingfield Manor’s use of the Primary PE and Sports Premium Funding.
Pupil Premium Strategy
At Ingfield Manor, we make every effort to ensure that disadvantaged students receive outstanding support and believe that our core business is to ensure all our students reach their full potential. Our aim is to use our pupil premium funding to help us achieve and sustain positive outcomes for all our disadvantaged pupils. Whilst socio-economic disadvantage is not generally the primary challenge our students face, we recognise that it can have a wider impact.
Our strategy will be driven by the needs and strengths of each young person, based on formal and informal assessments, not assumptions or labels.
This statement details Ingfield Manor’s use of Pupil Premium Statement to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.
School for Parents has been life-changing for our family. It was such a relief to find experienced, specialist staff who understood and shared our high expectations for our son.
Adverse Weather Guidance
In adverse weather conditions it should be assumed that the school will be open. The Senior Leadership Team will monitor Met Office forecasts closely, as well as assessing the situation locally and on the ground at school. Any decisions about school closure will take into account advice being given by the motoring organisations about whether to travel or not and will err on the side of safety for children and staff.
Vaccination dates
Year 8 HPV Vaccination in Schools Programme 2024/2025
Monday 16/09/2024 or Monday 19/05/2025 (Catch up session)
Year 9 Tetanus, Diphtheria and Polio & Meningitis ACWY (Td/IPV and MenACWY) Vaccinations in Schools’ Programme 2024/2025
Monday 16/09/2024 or Monday 19/05/2025 (Catch up session)